What are YOU

doing and seeing

in YOUR dreams?


Updated 06/17/2014

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May 23, 2007  7:03 p.m.
Posted by:  Jennifer

It is hard to believe we will actually have a movie coming out this year!  Crazy!  Thrilling, as well, to say the least.  We've abandoned these blog-style pages for awhile, being immersed in taking care of the editing and music.  It's a pleasure to see everyone's face again, as we edit, and re-edit (and edit again) the footage for each interview.

You know, some people have a strange reaction when we tell them how many people we crossed the country to interview.  Nobody can believe it was less than fifty . . . and most would expect we would have interviewed hundreds.  What should be considered by those surprised by the small cast is that we were after QUALITY interviews.  We did a FEW random interviews of people along the way, but those that we had specifically pre-selected to be interviewed were those that we knew we would base the movie around.  If you were a "Dream States" cast member, it means you actually put something of yourself into the project because of how the selection process was set up.  Most of the interviewees submitted descriptions or journal entries of their dreams months in advance of being interviewed on-camera for the movie.  They also completed detailed pre-interview questionnaires which let us take a peek into their private lives.  The reason for this was to get an idea of their weekly schedule of activities and routines, see what their family was like, find out whom they shared space with on a regular basis . . . and why?  In order to give the audience of "Dream States" a way to see that the people in the movie have things in common with them, and that when it comes to the dream world and the viewers get a chance to see the film, they will see that all people all over the world are all connected in a big way.

By the way, cast members (if you are reading this), we want to again thank you for your help.  As well, you should all know that we left each interview knowing something great had come from it.  What we didn't expect was that we would have SO MUCH from each interview that would be worthy of making the cut.  This is the hard part, and why editing of this film is currently on-going.  On the plus side, we've managed to keep all of you listed in "the cast" in the final cut -- so far.  Unfortunately, though, there is still a chance that a few could get cut due to the fact that this movie cannot be three or four hours long.  We are going to try to finalize all cast cuts before June 1st, so that the cast list after that time will be the final and permanent list.  Rest assured that there is also a big chance we will cut nobody from the film, but rather will just cut the times that some folks appear on-screen.  This will be based on many factors, but none of which have to do with how cool you are.  Unless, of course, you want to think so and tell your friends you were picked for your bright smile and good hair.  We'll back you up.



This site originated March 28, 2006. It was last modified June 17, 2014.

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